Congressional School Blog

The Art of Interdisciplinary Learning

Art becomes the perfect channel for interdisciplinary learning as teachers collaborate and bring subject areas together.

Talking in Numbers

Engaging the Whole Class in Math Conversation

Alumni Reflections with Julia

In the following article, Julia '13 reflects on a number of topics, and discusses the impact of her Congressional School education, her leadership roles in high school, and what the future has in store.  

Highway to High School

Helping 8th Graders Find the "Right-Fit" High School

Service Learning: Students Work Shift at Food for Others Warehouse

The students worked a 2-hour shift at the non-profit's warehouse where they sorted and packaged food and made over 300 Power Packs (weekend food for students in need). 

Strong Study Habits

By Suzanne Burns

The Expression of Color

Helping 8th Graders Find the "Right-Fit" High School

When Art Makes a Difference

By Sarah Philip

Building Rollercoasters

Putting Newton's Laws into Motion in Seventh Grade

Follow the Children's Lead

A Path to Being a Passionate Educator