Congressional School Blog

Impromptu Science

Written by Ru Odell | Dec 5, 2016 4:57:00 PM

Helping 8th Graders Find the "Right-Fit" High School

Dried Indian Corn is often pulled out as a fall decoration, just like pumpkins and multi-colored leaves. Mrs. Hinrichs, one of our second grade teachers, has been using the same dried Indian Corn as decoration for years but this year's class found had a special interest in them that led to an intriguing experiment...


One student asked if the corn would still grow if it were planted. What an interesting thought! Mrs. Hinrichs put the dried cobs in a tub with some water to see what would happen. A few students hypothesized that it would sprout, but most figured it was a lost cause.

The Results: The second grade class was pleasantly surprised to see sprouts after just one weekend. By monitoring the corn, they could actually see growth every day! The next step will be planting the corn in soil to see what happens.

Our mission as a school includes providing an environment where children question and collaborate. We relish impromptu opportunities to explore new ideas and love seeing inquisitive young minds at work!






Congressional School

Preschool - 8th Grade Private School
Infant and Toddler Program
Falls Church, VA

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