A guide to comparing and sorting through child care options.
Choosing child care is one of the most significant decisions that you will make for your young one in the first few years of their life. Unfortunately, it isn't always the easiest decision. You turn to Google and find that not only are there a lot of location options, but there are different types of child care. There are different approaches. There are different wait lists. There are different costs, and those costs cover different services.
So how do you start? The keys to choosing the right daycare are to prioritize the important factors, ask the right questions, and, in the end, follow your instincts.
Prioritizing the Important Factors
Each child care program you research is going to have different elements that make it appealing. Look at the list below. Take a moment and rank these in order of importance. Actually write it out and force yourself to put them in order. Is the location the most important aspect of your search? Or would you be willing to sacrifice going a little out of your way if it meant there was more outdoor space for your child to play in? Or if their hours of operation better fit your needs?
By having a tangible list to see what's most important to you, it will be easier for you to rank programs. Compare each option to your list to see which line up most.
If you want to take it a step further, you could try assigning a point value system with the most important factors receiving more points. Tally the points and add them up to see which comes on top.
- Location - Where are they located, and how far out of your way is it?
- Facilities - Are the rooms engaging with colors, toys, and activities? Do the rooms, hallways, and bathrooms seem clean? What about their outdoor areas? Are there any?
- Cost - What's the range that you are hoping to pay? What do you want included in that cost?
- Ratios - How many teachers do they have compared to the number of children? Will your child be lost in the crowd, or will they be known and appreciated as an individual?
- Hours of Availability - What hours do they provide care? What holidays are they closed?
- Approach - Do they provide more than just babysitting? Are the children learning and being encouraged to explore the world around them?
- Teacher Experience and Turn Over - What background do the teachers have? Are there people who have been there a long time?
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Ask the Right Questions

Amanda Carbury
Director of Enrollment Management and Financial Aid
703-533-9711 ext. 309