Congressional School Blog

May 2024: Mental Health Awareness Month  Information for parents and caregivers

Written by Rebecca Ginnetti, School Counselor | May 10, 2024 2:09:22 PM

By Rebecca Ginnetti, M.Ed.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health is an essential aspect of overall health. According to recent data, one in every five people in the United States experiences mental illness, and one in six for children ages 6 - 17 years of age.  Mental Health Awareness Month aims to raise awareness about the importance of mental well-being and reduce the stigma surrounding it.  

It’s never been more important to speak with our children about mental health as a part of one’s overall health and well-being.  More and more families recognize the importance of these conversations but may not know exactly what to say or even where to start. As with most essential topics, please know that these are ongoing conversations with many opportunities to build language and coping skills for children and families. To start, talk with your children about their feelings, focus on their strengths, and most importantly listen to what they have to say.  For more tips on how to have conversations with children of different ages, click here May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Learn How to Talk to Your Child About Mental Health.


As adults, our mental health is important. Parenting can be challenging with the many expectations and demands on time and energy.  Taking time to assess what we need to maintain our own mental health and well-being and engaging in those activities or practices is vital. The mental health of parents and children is connected in multiple ways.  Our children look to us for guidance in all aspects of life, including mental health practices.

Here are some Mental Health Tips for Parents

  • Focus on your relationship with your child – and don't worry about the other stuff. ...
  • Give yourself permission to do a “good enough” job as a parent. ...
  • Stop the comparisons. ...
  • Forget “should.” ...
  • When stress is getting the better of you, pause. ...
  • Tag in a trusted helper. ...
  • Practice self-care.

It takes a village to raise children. Congressional School teachers, staff, administrators, CSPO, and your school counselor are here to support Congressional students and families. Please contact me, Rebecca Ginnetti, School Counselor, if you have questions or want to talk more about mental health and wellbeing at

Links for more information for parents:

Helping at Home: Tips for Parents | Mental Health America

Parents: Need a Mental Health Boost? Try These Tips

Recommended books on parenting and mental health:

For parents of young children:


For parents of older children:

The Emotional Lives of Teenagers, Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents




Rebecca Ginnetti, M.Ed.

School Counselor

View Rebecca's bio