Congressional School Blog

COVID Stories: Ali Sheibani on Working Through a Pandemic

Ali Sheibani, Director of Technology discusses managing the technology needs of the school during the pandemic.

COVID Stories: Dan O'Neil on Working Through a Pandemic

Dan O'Neil, Director of Auxiliary Programs talks about managing the auxiliary programs during the pandemic.

COVID Stories: Brent Hinrichs on Working Through a Pandemic

Brent Hinrichs, Associate Head of School, Director of Lower & Middle School, talks about planning for lockdown and the reopening of school during the pandemic.

COVID Stories: Allison Watson on Teaching Through a Pandemic

Allison Watson, Junior Kindergarten Lead Teacher, talks about teaching during the pandemic lockdown and in person. 

COVID Stories: Allyson Judge on Living Through a Pandemic

Allyson Judge (Parent ’21, ’18) Chair of the 2021 Above & Beyond Gala talks about life during a pandemic and planning for this year's virtual gala.

COVID Stories: Meet Brian Krauss, Director of Physical Education & Athletics

Brian Krauss joined us this year as Congressional School’s Director of Physical Education and Athletics. With a pandemic in full swing, it has not been the easiest of years to take on this important role with few opportunities to meet parents and

COVID Stories: Gladys Popovics on Working Through a Pandemic

Busy Bees Lead Teacher, Gladys Popovics, talks about the pandemic lockdown and returning to work

COVID Stories: Creating the Middle School Virtual Schedule (and more)

Middle School Faculty Team Leads, Derek Bowley and Denise Yassine on Teaching During a Pandemic

COVID Stories: Sam Mom, Registrar, on Working During a Pandemic

An Unwelcome Arrival: The Inside Story of an Airport Detainee

Written By: Javier '21 as a part of his 8th Grade Capstone Project