COVID Pros & Cons
Jun 01, 2021
An Essay on the Pros and Cons of COVID-19 by Sanjeev Belle-Trichur, Grade 5
An Essay on the Pros and Cons of COVID-19 by Sanjeev Belle-Trichur, Grade 5
Stefanie Hjalmervik, Learning Specialist, talks about teaching during the pandemic lockdown and in person.
Congressional's Health Team, School Nurses Leah Boemerman and Lindsey Ticer and Public Health Expert, Dr. Tracy Krauss discuss their role during the pandemic.
Kim O'Neil, Assistant Head of School & Director of Early Childhood and Primary School discusses planning for lockdown and in-person learning during the pandemic.
Music Teacher, Lisa Bicksel (Infants-Grade 3) discusses the challenges of teaching during the pandemic.
Heather Thompson, Librarian, talks about her role in helping teachers teach and students learn during the pandemic.
3229 Sleepy Hollow Road ● Falls Church, VA 22042 ● 703-533-9711
Preschool - Grade 8 Private School
Day Care Program (6 Weeks - 3 Years)