Congressional School Blog

Embracing Robotics and Coding in Education

Understanding the purpose and application of Robotics and Coding in a kindergarten through eighth grade curriculum

Talking in Numbers

Engaging the Whole Class in Math Conversation

Alumni Reflections with Julia

In the following article, Julia '13 reflects on a number of topics, and discusses the impact of her Congressional School education, her leadership roles in high school, and what the future has in store.  

Highway to High School

Helping 8th Graders Find the "Right-Fit" High School

Strong Study Habits

By Suzanne Burns

When Art Makes a Difference

By Sarah Philip

Follow the Children's Lead

A Path to Being a Passionate Educator

Professional Development at Congressional School

Written By: Brent Hinrichs, Associate Head of School and Director of Lower and Middle School

Project Based Learning

by Denise Yassine, 5th and 6th Grade History Teacher

Movement and Learning

by Kim O'Neil, Assistant Head of School and Director of Early Childhood and Primary School