Congressional School Blog

The Flow of Learning

An Interdisciplinary Approach


By Mirella Gaines, Preschool Lead Teacher

Preschool teacher, Mirella Gaines, on how she is empowering her students to understand the impact of their actions and take charge of their world.

Inspiring Lifelong Readers

Familiar Childhood Reflections and a Crucial Balance Needed in Schools

Tips for Managing Children's Digital Activity

Overcoming Challenging Transitions

By Rebecca Ginnetti, M.Ed.

Celebrating 30 Years with Infants and Toddlers

Congressional School's 30th Anniversary for their Day Care Program

The Power of Reading Aloud

By Stefanie Hjalmervik, Learning Specialist

Right On the Money

A Guide for Parents as They Look to Finance a Private School Education

Some Thoughts on the Writing Process

English Teacher, Cameron Yassine, Discusses His Personal Writing Process

Developing Lifelong Readers

Our Approach to Inspiring A Love of Reading in Our Students